모르면 손해보는 근육 운동 필수 기초 지식 (상체 전면 근육)

근육 부위별 명칭: 체크하고 지식 습득하기!

근육 부위별 명칭

근육 부위별 명칭 in Korean

근육, or muscle, is an important part of the human body that helps to maintain posture, facilitate movement, and perform various bodily functions. Understanding the different muscles in the body and their functions is important for maintaining overall health and fitness. In this article, we will be discussing the various 근육 부위별 명칭, or muscle names, in Korean.

머리 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the head are responsible for controlling facial expressions, chewing, and controlling the movement of the eyes and ears. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 이두근: The 이두근, or temporalis muscle, is located on the side of the head near the temples. It is responsible for chewing and closing the jaw.

– 측두근: The 측두근, or the side lobe muscle, is located on the side of the head above the ear. It is involved in moving the ear and scalp.

– 이내근: The 이내근, or inner ear muscle, is located in the ear. It is responsible for controlling the movement of the ear drum and helps to maintain balance.

어깨 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the shoulder play an important role in facilitating movement of the arms and maintaining overall posture. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 삼각근: The 삼각근, or trapezius muscle, is a large muscle that spans the upper back and neck. It is responsible for shoulder elevation and rotation.

– 이두근: The 이두근, or deltoid muscle, is located at the top of the shoulder. It is responsible for lifting the arm and stabilizing the shoulder joint.

– 회전근: The 회전근, or rotator cuff, is a group of muscles and tendons that attach the shoulder blade to the upper arm bone. It is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder joint and facilitating arm movement.

가슴 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the chest are responsible for controlling arm movement and facilitating breathing. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 대흉근: The 대흉근, or pectoralis major muscle, is a large muscle that spans the chest. It is responsible for arm flexion, adduction, and rotation.

– 소흉근: The 소흉근, or pectoralis minor muscle, is located beneath the 대흉근. It is responsible for stabilizing the shoulder blade and facilitating arm movement.

– 삼두근: The 삼두근, or triceps muscle, is located on the back of the arm. It is responsible for extending the arm and facilitating elbow movement.

팔 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the arm are responsible for controlling hand and finger movements, as well as extending and flexing the elbow. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 이두근: The 이두근, or biceps muscle, is located on the front of the upper arm. It is responsible for flexing the elbow and rotating the forearm.

– 삼두근: The 삼두근, or triceps muscle, is located on the back of the upper arm. It is responsible for extending the elbow and facilitating wrist movement.

– 정글근: The 정글근, or brachioradialis muscle, is located in the forearm between the elbow and wrist. It is responsible for flexing the forearm and wrist.

등 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the back are responsible for supporting the body and facilitating movement of the spine. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 승모근: The 승모근, or levator scapulae muscle, is located at the back and side of the neck. It is responsible for elevating and rotating the shoulder blade.

– 대흉근: The 대흉근, or pectoralis major muscle, also includes a portion that connects to the ribs and spine. It is responsible for arm flexion, adduction, and rotation.

– 휜근: The 휜근, or erector spinae muscle, is located in the lower back. It is responsible for extending and laterally flexing the spine.

복부 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the abdomen are responsible for stabilizing the torso and facilitating movement of the hips. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 대사근: The 대사근, or rectus abdominis muscle, is located in the front of the abdomen. It is responsible for flexing the trunk and supporting the spine.

– 외복사근: The 외복사근, or external oblique muscle, is located on the sides and front of the abdomen. It is responsible for rotating the trunk and supporting the spine.

– 내복사근: The 내복사근, or internal oblique muscle, is located beneath the 외복사근. It is responsible for stabilizing the trunk and facilitating lateral rotation.

골반 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the pelvis are responsible for supporting the body and facilitating movement of the legs. Some of the key muscles in this region include:

– 대힙근: The 대힙근, or gluteus maximus muscle, is the largest muscle in the body and is located in the buttocks. It is responsible for hip extension and thigh abduction.

– 중힙근: The 중힙근, or gluteus medius muscle, is located in the hip. It is responsible for hip abduction and stabilization.

– 복사근: The 복사근, or psoas muscle, is located in the front of the hip and lower spine. It is responsible for hip flexion and stabilization.

다리 부분의 근육 명칭

The muscles in the legs are responsible for supporting the body and facilitating movement. There are many different muscles in the legs, but some of the key ones include:

– 대퇴사두근: The 대퇴사두근, or quadriceps muscle, is located in the front of the thigh. It is responsible for extending the knee and stabilizing the hip.

– 슬굴곡근: The 슬굴곡근, or hamstrings muscle, is located in the back of the thigh. It is responsible for flexing the knee and extending the hip.

– 종아리 근육: The 종아리 근육, or calf muscle, is located in the back of the leg and is comprised of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. It is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot, which is used in walking and running.


Q: What is the difference between the 이두근 and 삼두근?
A: The 이두근, or biceps muscle, is responsible for flexing the elbow and rotating the forearm. The 삼두근, or triceps muscle, is responsible for extending the elbow and facilitating wrist movement.

Q: What is the 대흉근?
A: The 대흉근, or pectoralis major muscle, is a large muscle that spans the chest and is responsible for arm flexion, adduction, and rotation.

Q: What muscles are involved in hip extension?
A: The 대힙근, or gluteus maximus muscle, is mainly responsible for hip extension, along with other muscles such as the hamstrings and adductor magnus.

Q: What is the 종아리 근육?
A: The 종아리 근육, or calf muscle, is located in the back of the leg and is comprised of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. It is responsible for plantar flexion of the foot, which is used in walking and running.

Q: What exercises can target the 외복사근?
A: Exercises such as side planks and bicycle crunches can help to target the 외복사근, or external oblique muscle.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 근육 부위별 명칭 헬스 근육 명칭, 다리 근육 종류, 다리 근육명칭, 등근육 명칭, 목 근육 명칭, 근육 조직도, 등 부위 별 운동, 운동 별 자극 부위

Categories: Top 54 근육 부위별 명칭

모르면 손해보는 근육 운동 필수 기초 지식 (상체 전면 근육)

여기에서 자세히 보기: b1.brokengroundgame.com

헬스 근육 명칭

헬스 근육 명칭은 현재 많은 사람들이 관심을 가지는 주제 중 하나입니다. 이는 누구든 근육 운동을 하기 시작할 때 궁금해 하는 이야기 중 하나인데요, 근육 운동을 하다보면 항상 근육의 이름을 알아야할 필요성이 있습니다. 이번 글에서는 운동을 하다보면 필요한 근육 명칭과 그 특징을 간단하게 소개하도록 하겠습니다.

1. 대뇌피질근: 대뇌피질근은 팔을 뻗을 때 발생하는 근육으로, 상완 부위에 위치합니다. 주로 상완을 이완하는 기능을 하며, 이를 위해 실제로 팔을 뻗을 때 상완근과 함께 작용하여 팔을 굽히고 펴는 기능을 합니다.

2. 상완근: 상완근은 상완 부위 중에서 가장 많은 부분을 차지하는 근육입니다. 주로 팔을 굽히는 기능을 하게 되며, 대뇌피질근과 함께 작용하여 팔의 이완 작용도 수행합니다.

3. 삼두근: 삼두근은 상완 근육 중에서도 따로 구분해야 할 정도로 크고 중요한 근육입니다. 삼두근은 주로 팔꿈치를 구부리는 기능을 하고, 상완근을 보조하여 팔을 굽히는 작용도 합니다.

4. 이두근: 이두근은 상완 근육 중에서 가장 많이 알려진 근육으로, 주로 팔굽혀펴기 같은 무게 운동에 많이 사용됩니다. 이두근은 주로 팔을 구부리고, 팔을 펴서 팔 굽힘 운동을 수행합니다.

5. 견갑근: 견갑근은 어깨 부위에서 발생하는 근육으로, 주로 팔을 위아래로 움직이는 작용을 합니다.

6. 코끼리근: 코끼리근은 있는 그대로 코끼리의 코와 비슷한 모양이라는 이유로 이름이 붙여진 근육입니다. 어깨 근육 중에서도 매우 중요한 근육 중 하나로, 주로 팔을 외넓적으로 움직이는 작용을 수행합니다.

7. 대흉근: 대흉근은 가슴 부위에서 발생하는 근육으로, 가슴근육 중에서도 가장 큰 근육 중 하나입니다. 주로 팔을 내리고, 내린 팔을 올리는 작용을 하며, 안정화를 위한 작용도 하게 됩니다.

8. 측복근: 측복근은 등 근육으로, 주로 팔을 뻗을때 위로 끌어올린 체격을 유지하는데 도움을 줍니다.

9. 둔근: 둔근은 다리의 최대 근육 중 하나입니다. 주로 하체를 받치는 역할을 하며, 하체를 이완하는 작용도 합니다.

10. 대퇴사두근: 대퇴사두근은 다리의 앞쪽 근육으로 주로 대퇴골을 위아래로 움직이게 합니다. 이를 위해서 축이 되어주는 역할을 합니다.

11. 종아리근: 종아리근은 다리 바닥 부분에 위치하는 근육으로, 다리의 일부분이 되는 근육입니다. 주로 발을 내리쳐 땅을 내리고, 올리는 작용을 하며, 상체와 균형을 유지하는 것에도 도움을 줍니다.

12. 엄지교신근: 엄지교신근은 엄지의 관절을 조절하는 역할을 하는 근육입니다. 이를 위해 척수와 뇌까지 연결되기 때문에, 매우 중요한 근육 중 하나입니다.

위와 같이 인체에는 많은 근육이 있습니다. 이러한 근육들은 서로 다른 작용을 가지고 있어, 운동할때 각각에 대해 알고 있는 것이 매우 중요합니다.


1. 근육 운동을 시작하면서 관심가지는 것들은 무엇인가요?

근육 운동을 시작하면서 가장 먼저 알고 있어야 하는 것이 바로 근육의 이름과 특징입니다. 이를 통해 어떤 근육을 어떻게 사용해야 하는지 확실히 이해할 수 있기 때문입니다. 무엇보다도, 근육을 정확하게 이름을 알아두지 않으면, 잘못된 트레이닝 방식으로 근육 운동을 하게 될 수 있습니다.

2. 근육을 어떻게 키우나요?

근육을 키우는 것은 결국 근육 운동을 하는 것입니다. 그렇기 때문에, 근육 키우기 위해서는 규칙적인 근력 운동이 필요합니다. 근육을 키우기 위해서는 먼저 근육에 충분한 자극을 줘야합니다. 그리고, 근육의 회복을 위한 충분한 휴식과 영양소가 필요합니다. 이를 위해서는 다양한 운동을 시도하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한, 적절한 식습관과 영양소 섭취도 중요합니다.

3. 근육을 키우는것은 어렵지 않은가요?

근육을 키우는 것은 성취하는 것이 어렵지 않지만, 그 노력은 상당히 많은 것을 필요로합니다. 일반적으로 근육을 키우기 위해서는 최소한 3 ~ 6 개월 정도는 규칙적인 운동과 식습관을 유지하고, 영양소를 충분히 섭취해야합니다.

4. 근육을 키우면 무엇이 좋은가요?

근육을 키우는 것은 건강상 모든 면에서 매우 좋은 이점이 있습니다. 첫째, 근육을 키움으로써 대사량이 높아집니다. 둘째, 근육을 키우면 건강한 몸을 유지하기 위한 필수적인 힘을 얻게 됩니다. 셋째, 근육을 키우면 다양한 활동을 수행하는데 필요한 체력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

5. 얼마나 자주 근육 운동을 해야하나요?

일주일에 3-4일 정도의 근육 운동이 적당합니다. 근력 운동은 근육을 발달시키는데 필수적입니다. 하지만, 운동량은 각자 상황에 따라 달라질 수 있으니 개인 상황과 목표에 따라서 적절한 운동 계획을 수립하는 것이 중요합니다.

6. 어떤 식사와 영양소가 필요한가요?

근육 운동을 하기위해서는 많은 영양소가 필요합니다. 단백질과 탄수화물 등 근육 생존에 필요한 영양소를 충분히 섭취해야 합니다. 또한, 비타민과 미네랄도 충분히 섭취해야 합니다. 개인 상황에 따라 식사 및 영양소 섭취량이 달라질 수 있습니다. 따라서, 개인 니즈에 맞는 식사와 영양소를 찾도록 노력하세요.

7. 근력 운동을 하는 동안, 근육 부상은 어떻게 예방하나요?

근육 부상을 예방하려면, 첫째로, 운동 전에 충분히 스트레칭을 해야합니다. 두번째, 훈련 중에 가벼운 동작으로 시작하고, 점차적으로 안전하게 운동을 확대합니다. 세번째, 적절한 휴식시간 동안 근육을 쉬게 해주어야합니다. 마지막으로, 증가한 부하와 중량에 대해 천천히 적응시켜둔 다음, 요받대와 같은 보조도구를 이용하는 것이 좋습니다.

8. 운동을 하려면 관심과 의지가 매우 중요하다고 생각합니다.

네, 운동은 관심과 의지가 매우 중요합니다. 특히 근육을 운동하는 것은 높은 움직임 인지 더 많은 노력이 필요합니다. 운동을 할 때 광범위한 목표를 가지고, 충분한 의지를 가지고 매일 노력함으로써, 몸을 건강하게 유지할 수 있습니다.

다리 근육 종류

다리 근육 종류 – Understanding the Muscles of the Legs

The human leg is one of the most powerful and complex body parts, consisting of a dense network of muscles, tendons, and bones. Understanding the various 무력화 characteristics and functionalities of each muscle in the leg is essential to developing a efficient exercise routine and avoiding injuries. In this article, we’ll take a comprehensive look at the different kinds of muscles in the legs.

1. Quadriceps

The quadriceps muscles, often referred to as “quads,” is a group of four muscle fibers located at the front of the thigh. These muscles are responsible for extending the knee and providing stability to the knee joint. The four muscles in this group are:

– Rectus Femoris
– Vastus Lateralis
– Vastus Intermedius
– Vastus Medialis

2. Hamstrings

The hamstrings are a group of three muscles located at the back of the thigh. The muscles are involved in flexing the knee and extending the hip. The three muscles in this group are:

– Biceps Femoris
– Semimembranosus
– Semitendinosus

3. Glutes

The glutes, or the Gluteus Maximus, is the largest muscle in the body. It is positioned in the buttocks and is responsible for extending the hip joint. It is also used when the leg is rotated outwards.

4. Calves

The calves are a group of two muscles located in the lower leg. The muscles are responsible for flexing the ankle joint and pushing the foot off the ground. The two muscles in this group are:

– Gastrocnemius
– Soleus

5. Adductors

The adductors are a group of five muscles located in the inner thigh, running from the pelvic bone to the femur. These muscles are responsible for bringing the thighs together. The five muscles in this group are:

– Adductor Longus
– Adductor Magnus
– Adductor Brevis
– Pectineus
– Gracilis

6. Hip Flexors

The hip flexors are a group of muscles positioned in the front hip region. These muscles are essential for movement, stabilizing the pelvis, and positioning the joints. The muscles that make up this group are:

– Psoas Major
– Iliacus
– Tensor Fasciae Latae
– Rectus Femoris


1. Are squats the best way to exercise leg muscles?

Squats are an excellent exercise for overall leg development, but other exercises should also be incorporated to balance muscle development.

2. Are exercises such as lunges and leg presses beneficial for leg muscles?

Lunges and leg presses are excellent for developing leg muscles. These exercises work on specific muscles and are beneficial in achieving balance across the entire leg.

3. How much exercise is necessary to develop leg muscles?

The amount of exercise required varies, but it is typically recommended to perform leg exercises at least twice per week.

4. Can age affect leg muscle development?

Age does not have a significant impact on leg muscle development, but natural changes such as hormonal changes and muscle loss may occur, causing a reduction in overall muscle mass.

5. Do leg exercises put pressure on the back?

Leg exercises such as squats or lunges can be done incorrectly and can lead to back strain or injury. Hence, proper techniques should be followed to avoid any risk of injury.

6. Should leg exercises only be done in a gym?

Leg exercises can be done at a gym or at home, using small weights or bodyweight, but supervision or guidance may be necessary to ensure proper technique and form.

7. Can leg exercises benefit athletes?

Leg exercises are among the most important for athletes, as they require the strength and stability offered by the muscles in the legs. Regular training of the leg muscles can help reduce the risk of injury and enhance overall physical performance.


In conclusion, the muscles in the legs are essential for movement, stability, and overall physical performance. Understanding the different muscle groups in the legs can help create an exercise regimen that targets each muscle group evenly, reducing the risk of injury and improving overall results. By incorporating exercises such as squats, lunges, and leg presses, one can achieve the necessary balance needed to maintain stable and powerful leg muscles. Regardless of age or athletic ability, it is essential to perform leg exercises in a safe and efficient manner, following proper techniques and guidance, if needed. By doing so, leg muscles can be developed, leading to improved overall health and an enhanced physical appearance.

다리 근육명칭

다리 근육명칭, or leg muscle names in Korean, is a crucial topic for those involved in the field of fitness, physical therapy, and sports medicine. Whether you are an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or a healthcare professional, it is essential to have a good understanding of the names and functions of muscles in the legs. In this article, we will explore the different muscles that make up the legs, including their specific functions, and answer some frequently asked questions.

The leg muscles can be divided into two groups: the anterior muscles and the posterior muscles. The anterior muscles are located on the front of the thigh, while the posterior muscles are found on the back of the thigh.

Anterior muscles of the leg

1. Quadriceps femoris muscle group – The quadriceps femoris group consists of four muscles, including:

Rectus femoris – This muscle is located at the center of the front of the thigh. It is responsible for extending the knee and flexing the hip.

Vastus medialis – This muscle is located on the inner side of the thigh. It helps extend the knee and stabilize the patella.

Vastus lateralis – This muscle is located on the outer side of the thigh. It helps extend the knee and stabilize the patella.

Vastus intermedius – This muscle is located between the rectus femoris and the vastus medialis muscle. It also helps extend the knee.

2. Sartorius – This muscle is located at the front of the thigh. It is responsible for flexing the hip, abducting the thigh, and rotating it externally.

3. Tensor fasciae latae – This muscle is located on the side of the hip and extends down to the outer side of the thigh. It helps to flex and abduct the hip, and it also stabilizes the knee joint.

Posterior muscles of the leg

1. Hamstring muscle group – The hamstring muscle group consists of three muscles, including:

Biceps femoris – This muscle is located on the outer side of the thigh. It is responsible for flexing the knee and rotating the leg externally.

Semitendinosus – This muscle is located on the inner side of the thigh. It helps to flex the knee and rotate the leg internally.

Semimembranosus – This muscle is located on the back of the thigh. It helps to flex the knee and rotate the leg internally.

2. Gastrocnemius muscle – This muscle is located at the calf and extends down to the Achilles tendon. It helps to flex the knee and extend the ankle.

3. Soleus muscle – This muscle is located at the calf and extends down to the Achilles tendon. It helps to plantarflex the ankle.

Functions of leg muscles

Each muscle in the leg plays a significant role in our daily activities that involve movement. For instance, the quadriceps femoris muscle group is vital when it comes to climbing stairs, sitting down, and standing up. The sartorius muscle helps to stabilize the hip and knee joints during movements such as running, jumping, or changing direction.

On the other hand, the hamstring muscles are essential in walking, running, and jumping. They also help to stabilize the hip and knee joints during movements such as squatting. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles are critical for walking, standing, and running.


Q: What is the most important muscle in the leg?

A: There is no single muscle that is more important than the others since they all work together to support us during various movements. However, the quadriceps femoris muscle group is the most critical muscle group in the leg since it is responsible for extending the knee and facilitating movements such as running, walking, and jumping.

Q: Can leg muscles be linked to lower back pain?

A: Yes. The leg muscles, especially the hamstring muscles, which are located on the back of the thigh, are connected to the lower back. Tight hamstrings can pull on the pelvic bone, leading to lower back pain. Therefore, stretching exercises that focus on the hamstring muscles can help relieve lower back pain in some instances.

Q: Can leg muscle injuries be prevented?

A: Yes, leg muscle injuries can be prevented by engaging in regular warm-up exercises before any rigorous physical activity, maintaining good posture while performing any activity that involves the legs, wearing appropriate footwear, and using proper equipment when necessary.

Q: Can leg muscle weakness lead to joint pain?

A: Yes, weak leg muscles can lead to joint pain since the muscles that surround the joint are responsible for stabilizing and supporting them. Therefore, weak leg muscles may cause the joint to become unstable, causing pain and discomfort.


In conclusion, leg muscles are essential for our daily movements, and knowledge about their functions and names is vital for physical therapists, sports medicine practitioners, and fitness enthusiasts alike. This article has provided an overview of the different leg muscles and their functions. It is essential to maintain proper exercise and stretch techniques, to take care of your leg muscles, and avoid any potential injuries. For further information and instructions, please consult with your healthcare provider, as individual cases may vary.

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